1.4 Practicing other senses (apart from normal senses)

Because, according to the tree of decreasing the immune system of the human being, there are ages of more or less 100/+10/_10. The human being practices sports at all ages, apart from old age. Nobody thinks that people at the age of 60-70 still play football, body building, swimming, running fast because they think believe that  we cannot avoid osteomalacia (when being old, the bones become fragile and easy to break). We cannot avoid heart diseases because blood vessels have been old, heart is weak and cannot avoid diseases of myasthenia, fat surplus, spots on skin, muscles, tendons become weak, memory decreases.


They just try to exercise slowly in their getting old.


           But I consider that : the human being has to always achieve the hard sport activities. It is because we can overcome all mistakes caused by “Tree of getting old”” osteomalacia has to be improved (drink calcium and some micro quantity substances for bones (for example: cancisando). At the age of 60, I can still run fast, if I practice regularly and practice “respiratory training chanting mind knowledge”, eat moderately. It is the permit from my brain is the most importance: I let myself have free mind, I let myself happy, innocent, I let myself desire for life, I let myself have a lot of friends, I let myself work, think relaxingly.


I let myself return to the past when I was very young. I let myself get rid of the old concept, use new living style, I let myself live and die for the human society, willing to destroy the evils which is harmful to the development of the human being, willing to research and cure all kind of diseases of which nowadays are still incurable diseases. I let myself think to strange things with free mind, I let myself imagine that I am good, I can invent so many things that the human being has not reached. I let myself play hard sports, to forever to new things…