….Method of not eating (continues)…

–         Prostate gland plays extremely important role, we need to take care of it. Mujscomllex of Vision company will help you (maintain as long as possible the sexual life). Herbal substances, vitamins, minerals and acideamine in Mujscomplex helps gentlemen healthy and happy.

–         Four main products:Lamin, ursnh, Arlumi, Stalon.

–         Lamine- roots of health : improves health, endocrine glands to strengthen the immune system. Lamine includes:

–          (ecuthorocoleus senliceus) : increases red blood cells, control glucose in blood.

–         (ilex paraquanleusis) recover strength and health.

–         Pollen : contains vitamins, minerals, acidamins and enzymes, improve health, has anti-bacterium influence

–         VitaminC : Acide ascorbique- Support health

–         URSUL fights against inflammation: improve the ability of fighting against sexual and urinating system infections, improve the function of upper kidney system.

–         + (Harpagophylu Procumpens DS improve the ability of fighting against sexual and urinating system infections

–         + (arlorlaphylos ua ursi) good for urine (antueepplique ).

–         + (é chinocaehlus)+bronze, gold, silver: antibacterian, anti- inflammation

–         AKTAM controls the function of prostate gland, fight against inflammation in sexual organs.

–         It contains the following substances: Stinging nettle, pumpkin’s core, vitamins and minerals.

–         STALON- Controls the blood circulation in male’s sexual organ.

–         It contains: grape ointment- gingseng’s root- ginger –acide linile1ique ( decrease cholesterone in blood).

–         *JCNSCOMPLEX  products for women.


–         Cure congested diseases in women before and in the menopause. The basic responsibility of BHS   jencomplex is solving each separate problems of women. But the medicines will support one another closely, improve the health of the whole body. There are four kind of medicines: Arlemida, Noktia, , Medisoya, Biuti.

–         1/    Arlemida: higest supporter for unstability during the women’s period including:

–         (Angelicasinensis ) Stimulate to create women hormone, aperient, tranquilizing, reducing pain.

–         (Arclslaphulosnvayasi) Good for urine, fight against pains

–         ( arlenusva vulganris ) Balance period, shorten period, prevents syndromes of pre-menopause, soften pains in lower belly during period.

–         (cimicifuga racenosg ): Supports the influences of arlenusva vulganris and the influence of calming mind of Angelicasinensis

–         VitaminA and E: Fight against oxygenation and improve immune system.

–         2/NoKiTa : balance metabolism and mind including the following herbs

–         ( Hypekicum pefforatum): calming mind, fight against oxygenation, prevent inflammation.

–         (Cralaegus monoginafacg): Improve the activities of supplying blood in heart and fights against the condition of large heart, control heat rate.

–         (Aslgragalus membananceus) Improves immune system

–         Vitamine B and Mg: Decrease anger, stress and anxiety

–         3/ Medisoyda: reduces uncomfortable feelings in the pre-menopause including:

–         (Soya): Fight against congestion and changes during the pre-menopause period.

–         Vitamin D   Ca Along with soya, prevents bone break, and solve osteomalacia. It is caution that: using soon and regularly “Medisoyda”, helps us not to be menopause soon and almost do not suffer from any syndrome of this period, Thus, not until the menopause period should we use “Medisoyda” to prevent uncomfortable syndromes.

–         Biuti: beautify skin, hair, nails, vitamin group B, Vitamin group A, E, P6, Fe, Kali, Ca, Mg, Phosphoce, Cu, Se.

–         Cecamvde: Recover the destruction of skin and hair cells. Improve the elastic level of skin, prevent the hair break.

–         Betacaracue: fight against oxygenation- strengthen tissues.

–         Biolin+ pure grape ointment-lecichine(Copode-Phosphorote).

–         Methonine( has the sulphul) Micro quantity that harmonize the body.

–         *Vosstanavlivay Uschii Comp lex- The substance that recovers health.

–         Areopharma laboratory has produced Vosslanavlivayus chii complex including

–         Bisk” standard energy mode- Schisandra chinensis help us to create adaploqine helping the body adapt certain circumstances (good sleep, improve health). gele1e royale + minerals- gele1e royale stretches blood vessels, adjust blood pressure, keep nutritions for cells. It creates the ability of preventing tiredness and stress, stimulate immune system, transform and  reproduce cells.

–    Bee candy: improve, protect and recover body.


            Jodurekali : Improve metabolism and improve the immune reaction, take part in the adjustment of endocrine and forming psychological reactions.

Fe-Gluconate – Bình thường hóa việc tạo hồng cầu. Control the  creation of red blood cells.

Chinese magnolia vine: stimulate the central nervous system, stimulate the activity of heart and respiratory system.

EKLEVI: Improve general health. Accumulate and maintaining energy within long time

That are ginseng,pollen, CapheTuti- +VitaminC+Betacaroléne(vitaminA)+focopluole(VitaminE)- have the influence of protecting nervous system, synthesizing hormone, balancing the color of eyes, getting rid of toxic.

“Kupers” Medicine of getting rid of toxic in the body. Sy li bum marianum: protects cells from free roots, protects kidney, intestine, liver.

Arlichaut: good for gall, a lot of lipid in blood

 (Fumelenre): balances the function of liver, digestive and good for urination.

MeGa: Support immune system

Tolophérolr (VitaminE) : Fight against oxygenation, improve immune system

ERA/DNA18/12 strengthens bones, makes eyes brighter, takes part in the transformation of proslaglandine (different hormon), plays important role in the reproduction and form of the cell skin. It also prevents atherosclerosis, adjust the activity of endocrine (suprarenal gland and

thyroid gland).

 (Oleuen Primulac veris): good for urine, metabolism.

*Antistress complex (preventing stress ) 4 products

Hyper” (gibex): Product of coping with depression and has the widest influences in stress.

Hypervcum perfoarlum+ mentha aquatica, hawthorn +vitamin C, B, Mg.

Vitamin C.

Mysfigue: fights against sleeplessness containing California poppy, lilleene, tanacelum parlhenium, Vitamin group B.

“ Repen “overcomes anxiety including: pepper, mentha aquatica, ginseng, micro quantity of Fe, Zn, Se-, pepper leaf has the function of preventing anxiety, menthe aquatica helps to tranquilize the mind.

 Passieas: reduces strees/ in  passilass, there is passion flower and vitamins group B.