The influence of meditation

he influence of meditation is the place to be calm to live for oneself. When being tranquil, we bring our soul to the infinite, innocence, our breath is independent, free and confident, words are strong, there are smiles, and thoughts are irrevocable. We are like a child but strong, have experiences and understand life. We are like a philosopher, a scholar, a general because in our consciousness, we have thought to overcome difficulties and have won. If we can always overcome such difficulties, it is because that our arguments have been logical and the results are totally correct. In terms of this argument, I do not write deeply, you should find out yourself through real life, from the elder and self study. I do not want to write examples because they will be so long and do not know where to stop.


Since 14, we have started leading to the completeness of our intelligence by self studying, mentality and eloquence. Everyone graduating grade 12, if they are studious and practice, they have had enough knowledge to enter Immortal Academy already.

At the age of 17, entering meditation is quite soon. I myself can say that since I was a child, I have harmonized the two extremes, introvert and extrovert. The reason why I was an introvert was that I love fine arts at the age of 10; I could draw the whole night without feeling sleepy. On the other hand, I was very active, so I had many friends to go out, to travel all days. My mother has free style or I am the only boy in the family, she did not scold me when I went out long. Thus, I think that youth can enter meditation unless we argue like following: Each day has three times of entering meditation including the morning, the afternoon and the evening, each time lasts for half an hour. One hour and a half staying still is not very long, furthermore we feel calm in mind and relaxed, that is the benefit. In addition, time of meditation is the time of the god, the longevity of god, immortal time, the more we meditate, the longer we live.

Breathing movement

Breathing is merely to live deeply and broadly. Youth often breathe deeply and broadly because they are active, and like to play sport. When one becomes old, he can be a landlord or a company owner, thus, they often sit, eat much, drink much… In general due to not moving, the body accumulates fat, surplus things. Their breath is not deep, not full the capacity of the lungs, gradually, there is not enough oxygen to support a fatter body, the metabolism becomes worse, the health decreases gradually, the human being becomes old…

The breathing movement is for people at all age. We need to breath deeply, fill the capacity of the lungs because in the future, after being successful in Immortal Academy, we will have different breath. Today, we focus on the breathing rate of the human being.

Let’s your mind free, our brains stop thinking, we just think of the breathing way. That is 4 stage breathing:

2.1 Breathe in slowly, breathe deeply to fill the lungs with air (10-20 seconds)

2.2 Stop breathing in without any pressure, do not strain the breast muscle and do not breathe out but keep for some seconds.

2.3  Breathe out slowly, and relaxingly, do not strain the muscle, the mind is fresh and pure, breath out all the air.

2.4 Stop breathing and do not breathe in either, let’s be tranquil in some seconds, that is the time for fairy moment, we will feel the strange pure feeling… then begin to breathe in.

In 4 state breathing methods, we should practice breathing by the belly, we push air to fill the lungs, make the belly bigger, and raise the inside. When releasing the air, we put pressure of the lungs down and flat the belly. That is the method of breathing by the viscera.

The painstaking of breathing is the consciousness of controlling the action. At first, we breathe in a correct way, and then we have to be aware that breathing has to be practiced to self awareness, breathing without any effort but still achieve the correct method. Since then, the mentality is light, the mind is fresh. We stay still and our minds also stay calm, we ourselves do not need the feelings about breathing, we just feel an infinite space. Thus, we are eating, bringing the issue of life to an enormous space that we are not important anymore. Is there anything more important waiting for us? Breathing deeply, longly, softly, on purpose but without effort, then when we are used to it, there is just conciousness left. That is the endless exercise which cannot be forgotten, just with a feeling breathing movement, you can be healthy and avoid some normal diseases.

 Our normal breath is to maintain a fixed bio living rate: in the evening, breathing deeply, the total oxygen needed is not as much as the day. When staying calm like reading newspaper, watching television, we breathe many times less than when we play sport. When we feel safe and meditate with deep, long breath, the amount of oxygen increases, makes bloods in the body swell out, the volume increases but the flow is still calm, even the heart beats stronger but slower. The blood circulation in this way will be more beneficial for the cells because cells are purified in a full solvent. After a fixed time, the body will have a complete energy which is maybe surplus. That body faces risks and difficulties better.

The breathing method which we are following is called the first breath of the human being. After learning at a higher level in the second breath (respiratory training), third breath (collecting energy), and our breathing method will become complete.