1 . Curing obesity for children

            When parents discover that: our children eat a lot; let them to go to doctor to consider disease of nerve and heart.

            There are many ways to make the children forget eating: let them eat delicious food however, with less meat, fat, sugar and we have to have a lot at their amount, just let them eat enough and not to encourage them to eat more (will not be easy to find and make the children not to eat other food which is not very delicious.

            Parents should let the children to visit places of interest for them to play freely (to forget eating). Can inspire some of their potential abilities.

In terms of: let them try to learn piano, guitar, violin… painting. We can let them to travel far, visit places of interest, to  awake the love for nature and travel passion, visit picture exhibitions of young artists, or let them go to bookstores to find story books for children (certainly we choose).

 If our children develop normally in terms of health (weight and height), we should not let them eat a lot of nutritious food (mother’s milk is a most wonderful solution to breed children though protein and fat are very low).