Use energy to cure diseases happening in old age

In an energy body, the acting, purifying activities of the body help to make issue and muscle young. However, some other fields such as bone and micro quantity elements may disappear gradually which respiratory trainers cannot collect from the surroundings. To some extents, we need dissolved substances which is good for our health just like American have invented nutritious foods which has many compound for the elder people, which prevents osteomalacia and loss of micro quantity substances

Energy body is very strong in hard sports such as: tennis, football, swimming… However, according to inheritance, the human being begins to getting old from 33. At the age of 40, bones are not flexible and solid anymore. At that time, energy body needs to act strongly as well as drinks compounds preventing osteomalacia and other micro quantity substances which are necessary for excretion and receive the loss from the outside. Nutritious food is a correct step, however, it needs to be understood that in this substance, we should not create a gelatin which has the opposite influence of strongest metabolism, purify cleanest.

The balance in sport throughout the human life is an important arrangement. The whole exercise procedure has to be harmonized, not very strong, not very weak, if it exceeds the balance it is not good and has many bad influences on human being leading to weakness at old age which is not easy to overcome. However, sport is continuous to old age, if cannot play sport anymore, the death will happen, the theory about assimilating, purifying forever will be no longer valid in that person.

The human being should not be lazy to play sports. In a week, we should have time to play heavy sport once or twice. In life, we need to be active, if we are fat; we have to be determined to make ourselves thinner if we want to be immortal.


Picture 27: Transmitting energy